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Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

The Care Sector Demand Map website is administered by the Department of Social Services (DSS).

This privacy policy applies to DSS’s handling of personal information in connection with the Care Sector Demand Map website. It also contains information about data in the Care Sector Demand Map.

The Care Sector Demand Map is a cross-government initiative produced by DSS, in partnership with the Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC). The Care Sector Demand Map provides market information to providers in the sector.

The Care Sector Demand Map does not contain personal information. All data in the Care Sector Demand Map is de-identified and aggregated. Suppression rules have been applied to the data where necessary to ensure it cannot be used to identify individuals.

1.1 The Privacy Act 1988

The Privacy Act 1988 (the Privacy Act) regulates how Commonwealth Government entities, including DSS and DoHAC can collect, hold, use and disclose personal information, and how you can access and correct that information.

‘Personal information’ is information in any form that may reasonably be used to identify a living person. It does not include information about individuals who are not reasonably identifiable.

The Privacy Act applies only to information about individuals. It does not apply to information about corporate entities such as businesses, firms or trusts.

Detailed information on the Privacy Act can be found on the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner’s (‘OAIC’) website.

2. DSS’s personal information handling practices

2.1 Personal information DSS collects and holds

DSS will not ask you to provide any personal information when accessing, using, or providing feedback about the Care Sector Demand Map or this website.

DSS may ask for limited personal information if you contact us to make a complaint about our handling of personal information (see Part # of this policy) or to request access to, or correction of, your personal information (see Part # of this policy).

The kinds of personal information DSS collects and holds will vary depending on your reason for contacting us. It may include:

  • your name
  • your contact details (for example, your phone number or email address)
  • personal information relating to your reasons for contacting us.

Generally, you may choose to remain anonymous or adopt a pseudonym when contacting DSS about the Care Sector Demand Map or this website. However, it is not always possible to remain anonymous or adopt a pseudonym. DSS will inform you when this is the case.

DSS will not ask you for any personal information it does not need.

2.2 How DSS collects personal information

DSS collects personal information relating to the Care Sector Demand Map and this website in a variety of ways. These include:

  • email communications
  • electronic forms (including the feedback form), and
  • phone calls.

DSS will usually only collect and hold the personal information you, your representative or a third party provide. In limited circumstances, DSS may also collect personal information relating to the Care Sector Demand Map and this website from other Commonwealth Government agencies or other organisations. This will generally only occur where a request, correspondence or complaint is made to that agency or organisation but relates to DSS.

2.3 Purposes for which DSS collects, holds, uses and discloses personal information

DSS collects and holds personal information for limited purposes relating to Care Sector Demand Map and this website, including:

  • responding to requests to access or correct personal information
  • complaints handling, and
  • managing correspondence with the public.

DSS uses and discloses personal information for the primary purposes for which it is collected. DSS only use personal information for a secondary purpose where it is authorized or permitted to do so under the Privacy Act.

DSS will not generally disclose personal information collected or held in relation to the Care Sector Demand Map or this website to overseas recipients. Overseas disclosure may occur in limited circumstances, including to respond to requests, complaints or enquiries from persons based outside Australia.

2.4 Storage and security of personal information

DSS holds personal information collected in relation to the Care Sector Demand Map and this website in a range of electronic records.

DSS protects and disposes of electronic records containing personal information in accordance with Australian Government records management and security policies, including the Archives Act 1983, Records Authorities and General Disposal Authorities.

Access to personal information collected by DSS in relation to the Care Sector Demand Map or this website is restricted to authorized DSS employees and contractors.

DSS will take seriously and deal promptly with any accidental or unauthorized disclosure of personal information collected.

2.5 Our website

DSS records a range of technical information about your visit to, and interactions with, this website. DSS uses this information for statistical and development purposes.

Recorded information may include your IP or server address, general locality and the date and time of your visit. Your IP or server address is anonymized prior to being stored.

DSS will only attempt to identify you through your browsing in exceptional circumstances. This may include an investigation into the improper use of this website.

This website contains links to other websites. DSS is not responsible for the content and privacy practices of other websites. DSS encourages you to examine each website's privacy policies and make your own decisions regarding the reliability of material and information found.

2.6 Access to and correction of personal information

You have a right under the Privacy Act to:

  • request access the personal information DSS holds about you.
  • request correction of any personal information DSS holds about you if you think it is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading.

DSS may decline a request for access to, or correction of, personal information in certain circumstances permitted by the Privacy Act. For example, where access is unlawful under a secrecy provision, including in the Aged Care Act 1997.

You can request access to, or correction of, your personal information under the Privacy Act by:

You may also request access to, and correction of, your personal information held by DSS under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act). You can make a request under the FOI Act by:

  • email:
  • post: Freedom of Information Team, Department of Social Services, GPO Box 9820, Canberra ACT 2601
  • in person: at a DSS office.

3. Privacy complaints

You can make a complaint if you believe DSS has breached the Privacy Act (including the Australian Privacy Principles).

To make a privacy complaint, please contact the DSS Feedback and Coordination team using the following contact details:

3.1 Process for handling privacy complaints

DSS is committed to quick and fair resolution of all complaints and will take your complaint seriously. DSS will respond to your complaint or request promptly if you provide your contact details.

3.2 How to complain to the OAIC

You may also contact the OAIC if you wish to make a privacy complaint about the privacy handling practices of DSS or any Commonwealth agency.

The OAIC’s website contains information on how to make a privacy complaint.

If you make a complaint directly to the OAIC, the OAIC may recommend you try to resolve the complaint directly with DSS in the first instance.

4. Privacy Policy updates

DSS will periodically review and update this privacy policy.

5. How to contact DSS

5.1 General enquiries

If you wish to:

  • query how your personal information is collected, held, used or disclosed or
  • ask questions about this Privacy Policy

please contact the DSS Complaints and Enquiries area using the following contact details:

5.2 Availability of this Policy

If you wish to access this Policy in an alternative format (e.g. hard copy) please contact DSS via the

This Policy will be made available free of charge.