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Insights for Gascoyne

101 - 110 NDIS participants currently being supported

To protect privacy, participant values less than 21 are displayed as ≤20. NDIS Participants usually receive supports under more than one service type. In the table below, participants are counted once under each service type they receive. The headline count of NDIS participants above provides the total NDIS participants. Details of supports in each service type can be found in the Resources tab.

Service Type
Capital21 - 30
Community Participation Care31 - 40
Early Childhood Supports21 - 30
Group Centre Care≤20
High Needs Personal Care≤20
Other Capacity Building21 - 30
Other Core51 - 60
Personal Care21 - 30
Plan Management91 - 100
Shared Accommodation Supports≤20
Support Coordination71 - 80
Therapy71 - 80
Total101 - 110

Participant Demographic

Participant profile
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participants31 - 40
Cultural and Linguistically Diverse participants≤20

$3,788,600 in current NDIS participant spend

Forecast spend is only available by Statistical Areas Level 3. Choose SA3 from the Care Sector Type at the top of the page for forecast spending.

Service Type
Community Participation Care$1,028,71835%$1,386,555
Early Childhood Supports$163,855171%$443,706
Group Centre Care$57,989191%$168,584
High Needs Personal Care$26,080437%$140,043
Other Capacity Building$181,205273%$676,780
Other Core$202,850116%$438,053
Personal Care$202,721306%$822,820
Plan Management$173,33661%$279,801
Shared Accommodation Supports$670,89157%$1,052,279
Support Coordination$325,87687%$607,976

14 current FTE NDIS workers

Forecast worker value is a median. FTE is an abbreviation of “full-time equivalent.” FTE counts the number of full-time workers needed to complete the work rather than counting individual workers who may work part time etc. To protect privacy, FTE worker values of less than 6 are displayed as ≤5.

Service Type
Aged or Disabled Carer<59
Community Worker650%9
Health Therapy Professional<5<5
Other Allied Health Worker<5<5
Other Worker<5<5
Psychologist, Physiotherapist<5<5
Welfare Worker<5<5

208 providers active

Providers delivering services across multiple categories will be counted once in each of those categories below. Category - NDIS participant spending is broken down across 12 categories that group the NDIS registration groups for simplicity and modelling robustness.

Service Type
Community Participation Care17512
Early Childhood Supports17611
Group Centre Care<5<5<5
High Needs Personal Care<5<5<5
Other Capacity Building301317
Other Core612041
Personal Care12<58
Plan Management2525<5
Shared Accommodation Supports96<5
Support Coordination341717

Regions with high NDIS service demand forecasts

Top SA3 regions by estimated 2-year percentage growth (FY 2023-24 to FY 2025-26)

LocationGrowth Percentage
Canberra East, ACT93%
Gascoyne, WA92%
Wheat Belt - South, WA76%
Bourke - Cobar - Coonamble, NSW69%
Daly - Tiwi - West Arnhem, NT65%
East Pilbara, WA62%
Far North, QLD61%

Includes SA3's with at least $1m in current expenditure

This chart provides the Statistical Areas level 3 regions with the highest growth estimated when comparing current service demand with 2-year forecasts. Areas where the percentage growth is higher than 100% indicate that the forecasted service demand is more than double the current service demand.